
GitHub Source Repository#

The source repository is hosted on GitHub along with gzipped tarballs of official (stable) releases.

Refer to NEWS for a list of the latest changes, and be sure to read Installation for how to compile and install it.

To receive notifications when new versions are released, subscribe to the meep-announce mailing list.

Precompiled Packages for Ubuntu#

Precompiled packages of Meep version 1.17.1 (January 2021) with Python interface will be available for Ubuntu 21.04 ("Hirsute Hippo") in April 2021. We recommend Ubuntu as Meep and all of its dependencies will be able to be installed using just one line:

sudo apt-get install python3-meep h5utils

You will also be able to install the parallel version of Meep which is based on OpenMPI using:

sudo apt-get install python3-meep-openmpi

These upcoming Meep packages for Ubuntu 21.04 are derived from the Debian 11 ("Bullseye") packages (serial and parallel). Debian 11 is currently the testing distribution.